sunroom additions Portland OR

Have you ever been in a house with a sunroom before? Sunrooms are living spaces that allow you to enjoy good weather without having to deal with insects or the elements. Often called patio rooms, sunrooms are usually accessible from inside your house, though they can also be stand-alone structures. The outside walls (and sometimes the roof) are typically mostly windows, helping to cultivate the feeling of being outdoors.

A sunroom is a great place to sip coffee or tea, read a book on a warm Sunday afternoon, bring a friend for a comfy chat — the options are endless.

Here’s what you need to know if you’re thinking of adding a sunroom to your home.

Maximize Space with Your SunroomSunroom addition in Portland Oregon

Home additions, including sunrooms, are a great way to add square feet to your home, while also creating a space you’ll really use. As you begin planning your addition, think about how to take advantage of all the space you have.

The goal is to not end up with any unusable or awkward pockets of space indoors or outdoors, depending on the size and shape of the sunroom. A good remodeler can help you make sure your new addition helps you get the most of your space and adds value to your home.

Soak Up the Summer Sun

Most of us in the Portland area have been told at least once that we need to make sure we get enough vitamin D. Considering that our bodies produce vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight, it’s no surprise that Portland’s many months of cloud cover have some of us feeling a little Vitamin D deficiency. According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamin D is crucial for maintaining healthy bones, as well as preventing a variety of health conditions.

It’s also possible (though more difficult) to get vitamin D from supplements and fortified foods, but being exposed to sunlight is important for other health reasons too. Your sleep cycle (which determines how sleepy you get at night and how alert you feel in the morning) is controlled by the part of your brain that processes light. That’s why we get sleepy when it’s dark.

Without exposure to sunlight during the day, our bodies can get confused about when to sleep and when to stay awake. That’s part of why many of us feel sleepy during the day but can’t seem to nod off at night. Sitting in a nice, bright sunroom for a few minutes in the morning can work wonders for your sleep cycle.

Nevermind the Sunroom. How about a 4 Season Room?

Sunrooms aren’t just for sunny days. In fact, many people who don’t like sunny weather still love adding sunroom additions to their homes. That’s because sunrooms are perfect for fall and winter too.

Picture this: It’s been raining for a week straight and you’re starting to get cabin fever. All you want is to enjoy a few minutes outdoors without getting drenched. All you have to do is make some coffee or hot chocolate and find the coziest chair in your sunroom.

Square Deal Remodeling Can Build You a Gorgeous Sunroom

Thinking of adding a sunroom addition to your home? Whether you want a small, personal tea room or a big entertaining space, we can help you build a sunroom you’ll love! Contact us today and tell us about your ideas.